Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Good To Be King!

I'll be danged, but I've got something in common with bat shit-crazy Sarah Palin. I was reading an article the other day about how her handlers immediately delete any content from her Facebook page that challenges her message (full article here). At first glance, you might think it's so typical for people like her to systematically suppress any point-of-view that does not promote her brand. I had the same reaction myself.

Now, several days later, I find that my opinion is the exact opposite (no, no, no, she's still bat shit-crazy--that part hasn't changed). Rather, I've come understand that her Facebook page is not an open public forum. It's her private page to use as she sees fit. I've come to this conclusion because of a reader comment on this very blog that was both off-topic and contrary to the purpose of my blog. It occurs to me that I am God on this blog just as SP is God on her bat shit-crazy Facebook page. This is my blog, and I will decide what is published.

Honestly, it is not easy to make comments to this blog. First, you have to have a Google user ID to leave a comment. Most of my 7 or 8 readers do not have a Google user ID. Further, I do not check this blog regularly. This makes it very difficult to engage in any sort of conversation. I don't get any notification when someone leaves a comment. Despite this, it's always nice to see the odd comment here and there (examples: "Wow! Great pictures!" and "So sorry to hear about Floyd. I fell in love with him when Karen and I drove to Chicago with Floyd and Salty."). Comments of this kind are highly appreciated.

Earlier today, I became aware of a comment to one of my posts that was only tangentially on-topic but which really only served to promote the commentator's personal views on an unrelated subject. Being a good liberal, my first instinct was to allow the comment to stand as a kind of freedom of speech/exchange of ideas sort of thing. On further thought, I realized that this is my personal, private blog. Readers are permitted to read and comment on my blog only through of my benevolent sanction. This is not an open, public forum.

So go ahead, leave your comments. If they please me, they will stay. If not, I'll delete them. It's a free country.  You can always start your own blog if you've got something to get off your chest.

1 comment:

  1. I had to delete a few comments on TJ as well. I was torn about it, but came to the same conclusion as you, it's my site, I did it my way.

    Whenever I travel I love going to whatever the local art museum is, and if there is a modern art museum that is always my first choice. You want to see some weird stuff? Try Vienna's Modern Art Museum. It was also quite awesome! Thanks for posting the Dali pics, he's my fave. There's an entire museum devoted to Dali in St Petersburg FL, I want to go there! See ya. Cody G.
