Sunday, March 20, 2011

Off to the Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River near Questa, NM

Lisa's driving. The dogs are sleeping at the moment. I'm writing this. The goal today is to test out our capabilities of blogging on the go. Lucy just woke up and is helping drive. Here's a test picture:

Spook likes to help too.

We're heading up north of Taos to a section of the Rio Grande gorge that is designated as a "Wild and Scenic River" by the government. It's on BLM land , but I think it's jointly administered with the NPS. There are many rafting companies that run the river, especially during spring when the runoff is flowing. We'll be hiking a bit upstream of that area we'll be up near the confluence of the Rio Grande and Red Rivers. This region is also popular with trout fishermen is search of the endangered Rio Grande cutthroat. Unfortunately, there is a forest fire somewhere near Los Alamos that has made the sky hazy.

Here's downtown Taos.

Taos Mountain.

The Rio Grande Gorge.

Letting Lucy run.

The gorge.

Confluence of the Red River and Rio Grande.

Hay ride. Questa, NM.

The Guadalara Grill in Taos, NM. I just found out recently that the term "Tapatío" refers to something or someone from Guadaljara. Think about that next time you have some Tapatío salsa.

What did we learn today? 
  1. The on-the-go blogging apps for the ipad don't work well at the moment.  They are very buggy, which makes the whole process clunkier and less fun.  I probably won't do much more of this except for the odd thing to facebook.
  2. Most of the photos taken by the ipad didn't meet my standards, although there a few decent ones. 
  3. Oddly enough, the video didn't come out half bad. 
  4. All in all, it was an excellent day.

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